4 Responses to “South Africa’s Best Rugby Team The BLUE BULLS!!!”

  1. The Bulls might be the best South African team but of course you know that New Zealand teams have won more Super 14 team titles than any other! We love Rugby in New Zealand (of course) our Girls even have their own teams! Go the Chiefs!

  2. ~Jared from Oregon~

    Im not too famiilar with rugby, but after reading this, i know a little bit more about the teams. But ya, New Zealand i think is better.

  3. Hi
    Im a huge blue bull fan. But want to mention the following. The Bulls players are always the first to mention the bible and their religion after a game! But I would like them to please rethink this strategy as their dirty play, absolutely off the ball stuff!! and their language is something that does not seem to be in the bible. specifically someone of Bakkies stature who proclaims to the nation that he is a christian and i admired him for that, but to be honest after the stormers game I have more respect for the dignity in which Luke Watson handled the whole game- and he did have a good one! Even the way he handled the situation where he was taken out along the side line by the young winger – he never really retaliated but instead calmed the youngster down by pulling his jersey over his head before he did something stupid. Even a class act like Fourie du Preez, why did he have to niggle why did he have to play off the ball!!
    Im sorry after todays game, you have lost me as supporter. I cant allow myself to look up to someone who proclaims to be a christian and set an example but acts out like a spoilt brat on the field. I really wish you all of the best for the season and hopefully your players become grown up before its too late.!

  4. Die Wilster Says:


    you might have more Super 14 titles than us,but we have a lot of politics in Sport with from the covernment,and with that we only played 4 world cups and won 2 of them,wile you played 6 and only won 1,and we also have woman rugby teams.

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