Siecnce Progect,Earthquakes and Tsunamis

We did a siecnce progect about earthquakes and tsunamis.I learned a lot earthquakes and tsunamis. I learned that Tsunamis can go up to speeds of 900 miles per hour and grow as they get closer to land. The biggest tsunami ever recorded was 500 meter (1,600 foot)high.Tsunami is Japanese for “harbour wave”. Earthquakes are caused by plate tectonics and earthquakes cause tsunamis. A earthquake is formed by plates that push aganst each other ,when the prethour gets to much the plates brakes apart and then the earthquake hits the land with tramendis power that has been mesthured with powers of up to 9,5 on the recturescaile. I read about a story about a earthquake hiting a island and people in a church runing out and when they cam back and prayed for the people that has lost there familes and 15 minites later a Tsunami hit and killed every in that church. That was what I learned about Earthquakes and Tsunamis.


2 Responses to “Siecnce Progect,Earthquakes and Tsunamis”

  1. is that story true.?i’ve never heard anything like that, i don’t think its possible? or is it?

  2. […] Siecnce Progect,Earthquakes and Tsunamis « Ghostrecontheghosts’s Blog […]

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